. on

美 [ɔn]英 [ɒn]
  • prep.对;在;根据;使用
  • adv.值班;表示持续性;向前(移动);穿在身上
  • adj.在进行;在发生;在活动;通着
  • n.【板】(打球人的)左边
  • 网络开(open);在……上;接通

过去分词:onned 现在分词:onning 第三人称单数:ons

. on. on

. on

1.(覆盖、附着)在…上(意指接触物体表面或构成物体表面的一部分)in or into a position covering, touching or forming part of a surface

2.由…支撑着supported by sb/sth

3.在(交通工具)上used to show a means of transport

4.在(某一天)used to show a day or date

5.就在…之后;一…就immediately after sth

6.关于(事或人)about sth/sb

7.(身上)带着;有being carried by sb; in the possession of sb

8.为(某团体或组织)的一员used to show that sb belongs to a group or an organization

9.吃;喝;按时服用(药物)eating or drinking sth; using a drug or a medicine regularly

10.(表示方向)在,向,对used to show direction

11.在,接近(某地)at or near a place

12.根据;由于used to show the basis or reason for sth

13.以…支付;由…支付paid for by sth

14.通过;使用;借助于by means of sth; using sth

15.(与某些名词或形容词连用,表示影响到)used with some nouns or adjectives to say who or what is affected by sth

16.与…相比compared with sb/sth

17.(用于说明活动或状态)used to describe an activity or a state

18.(用于提供电话号码)used when giving a telephone number




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